As of 5/8/2024, Mountain Sage Medico is Officially Closed.

After closing, ALL health records from this Practice have been transferred to Morgan Records Management, LLC (the “Records Custodian”). The Records Custodian will continue to maintain all patient records per applicable confidentiality and security standards and with other applicable laws. Your records will be destroyed no less than 10 years after the last date of services received from this Practice.

If you wish to have a copy of your records sent to you or another provider or facility after 5/8/2024, you may submit a request to the Records Custodian:

Morgan Records Management: Medical Records

Online: > Patient Records Requests > Request My Medical Records


Phone: 833-888-0061

*Please Note: *

- In accordance with applicable state law, you may be charged for the copying and transmittal of the records.

- There may be a transition period from the time the office officially closed to the time Morgan Records Management has access to patient’s charts.